09 November 2010

Alternatives to Oil Presage Big Changes Ahead

Honda Looks to Grass to Resolve Its Power Needs

This is a very interesting article, but not for its being a trivial-pursuit type of conversation piece. And not for its geek factor or
even its environmental angle. No. But because it is one more hint as to a coming seismic change in how we live and the fuel we'll be using in the years to come.

As of now, most people around this planet still rely on oil in one form or another. Fuel for your car, warmth and cooling
for your home and a thousand countless other things.

And the result of this is - well - pollution, wars over oil etc...

But what will happen when electricity can be produced from renewable grass? (As in this article.) Or when we have 100
different natural alternatives to petrol/gasoline for your auto? Alternatives that are 100% renewable and either don't pollute
at all or only pollute a fraction of what oil and and its derivatives do today?

In fact - more and more people are turning used cooking oil into just that.
Home Fried Fuel

And then there are those who are looking at other alternatives: manure for example.
Vehicle Institute Works to Develop 'Biogas'-powered Car

But the really interesting thing to contemplate is:
How are things going to change when there are various, viable,
cheap, 100% renewable and natural, clean alternatives to oil?

The price of oil is going to crash.
Can you imagine the oil producing countries - especially of the Middle East?
Do you think they will be able to maintain their current political and economic leverage?

Or Big Oil?
And if oil importing countries are no longer beholden to the producers, how might that
begin changing the balance of power around the world?

And what about the business and investment opportunities that will open up?

Right now, it's just a minuscule cloud on the horizon. Tomorrow it may change the way we live.

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