07 April 2011

Indonesia Scraps Medieval Treatment of Women

They have talked about it forever. And finally written this into law - nearly 20 years after Singapore. 

Of what do I speak?

The wretched law that says a foreign man married to an Indonesian woman must have a work visa in order to live and work in Indonesia!

A truly antiquated, backward, bigoted - and ultimately self-defeating law which inevitably results in many of the best and brightest women taking their brains, money and talents OUT of Indonesia.

That's about to change!

As soon as this becomes law, Indonesia will join the great majority of countries where marriage affords one the right to live and work freely and unhindered.

The key points of the New Law are as follows:

· If you marry an Indonesian citizen here, you will be entitled to Izin Tinggal Terbatas. After 2 years, you can convert it to Izin Tinggal Tetap (ITAP).

· If you have already been legally married for at least two years to an Indonesian citizen, you get an ITAP immediately. E.g. if you marry your Indonesian spouse in Australia and stay there for 2 years before coming to live in Indonesia, you are entitled to an ITAP immediately.

· If you have an ITAP because you are married to an Indonesian, you can work here without needing a work permit.

· If your children choose to keep their foreign nationality once they reach the age of 18, they are entitled to an ITAP and can work here.

· If your children were over 18 when the citizenship law was passed and never had Indonesian nationality, they are now entitled to an ITAP and can work.

· Foreigners who are legally married to Indonesians no longer need a `penjamin' (sponsor).

· The ITAP is valid for an unlimited period but needs to be renewed administratively every 5 years. There is no cost for this.

· If you already have an ITAP and your Indonesian spouse dies, you keep the ITAP.

· If you have an ITAP and you and your Indonesian spouse divorce before you have been married for 10 years, the ITAP is cancelled.

· If you have an ITAP and you and your Indonesian spouse divorce when you have been married for 10 years or more, you keep the ITAP.

Unfortunately we still have to have the re-entry permit. If you have an ITAP, you will be able to get, as now, a multiple re-entry permit that is valid for 2 years.

Now that the bill has been approved by the DPR it will go to SetNeg and then be signed by the President. However, it will take some time before the implementing regulations are drawn up and this law becomes effective.

Source : Milis APAB.

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